Haley Stipes Style Assignment

The photographer I decided to emulate was Chema Madoz. He is a Spanish photographer and his book was simply called Chema Madoz. It is his style that I have decided to recreate. His images are all in black and white and they all are different sizes, unlike the previous two photographers who kept their image sizes fairly consistent. His images seem flatter than the other photographers I was considering
since shadows aren’t emphasized as much and the backgrounds are very plain and blank for the most part. This means we have a main subject to look at and nothing to distract the viewer. His style is instantly recognizable because he takes seemingly unrelated objects (usually two) and combines them in a visually witty way. The physical objects that he uses vary greatly, but some objects he uses on multiple occasions include burnt match sticks, metal can lids, and books. He tends not to use people in his photography, but when he does he uses them like objects and they don’t really interact with the camera and they aren’t the main focus either. He will usually only use one body part such as a hand, hair, or arm. His subject matter is always centered within the image with as little distraction to it as possible.


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